South Korea Government Accused of Using Defamation Laws to Silence Critics

SEOUL, South Korea — In late 2014, months after 304 people died in the sinking of a South Korean ferry, a leaflet began circulating with a scurrilous rumor about President Park Geun-hye: that she had failed to respond swiftly to the disaster that day because she was having a romantic encounter with a former aide.

Was Ms. Park, the flier asked, now cracking down on her critics in an attempt to keep that scandal from coming to light?


Practical Practising – 5 Tips for Effective Practice

Muse on Music

Practical Practising – 5 Tips for Effective Practice 

Practice, practice, practice. Anyone who has spent any time learning an instrument will know the importance of spending time practising their instrument. According to the writer Malcolm Gladwell, it takes 10,000 hours of dedicated practice on your instrument to become a virtuoso. This study is frequently alluded to amongst musicians, yet it is clear to anyone who has been playing an instrument for a while that quantity of practice by itself is not enough to become fully competent on your instrument. It it what we do with this time that defines how successful we will be. There are several pitfalls to avoid when practising. Here I have included five of the key difficulties to overcome when practising your instrument.

1) Make the most of the time you have

People’s schedules often differ when it comes to practising. With a busy work or school…

View original post 601 more words

Breakfast Recipe: Berry Coconut Chia Pudding

Louise Digby Nutrition

This is a super convenient breakfast as you’ll make it the night before, so it’ll be ready to eat by the time you wake. It takes around 4 hours ‘firm up’ so you could also make it in the morning to have at lunchtime.

This recipe is high in protein, which is important first thing in the morning as it’s needed to balance blood sugar levels, and to keep you going until lunchtime. If you suffer with fatigue one of the first things to think about it whether you’re getting enough protein!

It’s also rich in fibre, needed for the same reasons as protein (blood sugar balance and satiety), but also to support digestive health as chia seeds help to keep things regular. AND the chia seeds provide essential omega 3, something that is depleted in SO many people’s diets.

It’s also rich in anti-oxidants and tastes darn good too!

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Newly developed graphic tactile display for blind people by Tactisplay Corp. — Mechanical eye for the blind people is ready.

Tactisplay Corp. located in South Korea has developed graphic tactile display for the blind people. This device has individually actuated 3,072 cells configured in 64 column with 48 rows. With this configuration, it can show graphic information in raised tactile dots.

There is an internal image processing engine which summarizes the image and extracts crucial graphic information for the display. When this device is connected to USB camera, image captured by the USB camera is displayed in the tactile pin array after image processing. When this device is connected to PC or notebook using ethernet cable, monitor screen image is automatically transferred to the device for the blind person to touch and feel what PC monitor is showing.

In this way, this device can be used as a mechanical eye for the blind people. There is no dangerous surgical operation required. User just need to carry the bag containing the device slung over the shoulder and clip USB camera to his/her eyeglasses to see the view.

This device, named TACTISPLAY Walk, is designed to be portable and be used outdoor. It has large battery inside which enables the device to operate 10 hours continuously. Its frontal area is little bit smaller than A4 paper and its thickess is 53mm (about two inches). Its weight is 2.5kg.

Pricing is not confirmed but they said that price will be under $7,000. It normally requires at least $20,000 for similar device.

Press contacts:

Jeong Yeol Lee


Multi-line Braille Display, TACTIS100, launched by Tactisplay Corp.

Multi-line Braille Display, TACTIS100, launched by Tactisplay Corp.

— Get 100 cells braille display at price of typical 40 cells display or lower

Tactisplay Corp. launched TACTIS100, multi-line text braille display, having 100 cells. There are many 20, 40, 80 cells braille display in the market. But, all these displays have just one line where TACTIS100 has 4 lines of 25 cells each.

Multi-line functionality enables this display to show spreadsheet contents easily. Using its 4 lines, top line displays title of column when other 3 lines can display column contents. If selected current cells is changing, this display can show cells contents around the selected one.

In the text braille reading, its 100 cells will enable braille reader to sense 100 characteres simultaneously. It can display additional 20 characters than 80 cells display, which is 570mm long. Its length, 305mm, is shorter than that of 40 cells braille display.


Screen reader S/W modified from NVDA will be supplied with this device. When connected to PC using Bluetooth, PC monitor contents will be transferred to the device. In standalone mode, text files in the USB memory stick can be displayed.

Refresh time of the display is set to 5 sec or less. Dimension is 305*128*45mm, weight is 1 kg.

Price of this display is set to under 2,000 USD, which is lower than any 40 cells braille display in the market, apart from the 80 cells braille display, which is normally sells at more than 7,000 USD.

TACTIS100 is working with its two actuator heads. Show all off, all on, some braille texts.

Visit… for further information.

메르스(MERS-CoV) 이상하다…

메르스(Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS‐CoV))가 급기야 4차 감염 이야기까지 나오고 있다. 우리나라에서 나타나고 있는 메르스 양태가 지금까지 알려진것과 달리 나타나고 있는거 같다. 다음은 2014년 4월 24일에 쓰여진 WHO Risk Assessment의 한 구절이다. 구글링하면 쉽게 찾을수 있는 문서다.

본문에 전염력과 관련된 부분을 인용해보자면,
The majority of the cases now reported have likely acquired infection through human‐to‐human transmission and only about a quarter are considered as primary cases, which suggests slightly more human‐to‐human transmission than previously observed. one hypothesis is that the transmission pattern and transmissibility have not changed and that the occurrence of two large nosocomial outbreaks reflects inadequate infection prevention and control measures, coupled with intensive contact tracing and screening. Several elements would support this hypothesis: i) the clinical picture appears to be similar to what was observed earlier; secondary cases tend to present with a milder disease than that of primary cases; however, we note that many secondary cases have been reported as asymptomatic; ii) only 2 possible tertiary cases have been reported; iii) the recent exported cases did not transmit further; iv) screening of contacts revealed very few instances of household transmission; and v) no increase in the size or number of household or community clusters has been observed. An alternative hypothesis is that transmissibility of the virus has increased and is resulting in more human‐to‐human transmission as the basis for the recent upswing in cases. It is possible that current levels of surveillance are missing cases of mild infection within the community. At this point, there is insufficient information on the recent cases to definitively exclude these hypotheses.

일단 메르스에 대한 우리(인류)의 이해가 완전하지 않다는것을 전제해야한다. 어느 누구도 이렇다라고 말하지 못한다. 미국 CDC 정보를 보던 WHO정보를 보던간에 “그리 믿는다, 그럴것이다” 정도이다.
위의 글에서 눈여겨 봐야할 귀절은 “the clinical picture appears to be similar to what was observed earlier; secondary cases tend to present with a milder disease than that of primary cases; however, we note that many secondary cases have been reported as asymptomatic;” 이다. 즉 “일차 감염보다 이차 감염환자의 경우 임상증상이 경미한 경향이 있다.” 아는바와 같이 우리 나라의 경우 1번째 환자의 경우는 완치된 상태이다. 하지만 35번 삼성병원 의사 환자를 포함해 2차, 3차 감염 환자의 임상양상이 더 좋지않게 나타나고 있는 상황이다. 정부의 역학 조사결과상 거의 모든 발병 사례가 1번 환자와 연관된 것으로 보이는데 정작 바이러스 감염 양태는 알려진 바와 다르게 나타나고 있는것일까?

? 바이러스 돌연변이
이미 한번 메르스 바이러스 돌연변이에 대한 조사를 한적이 있는걸로 안다. 2번환자(1번 환자의 부인)의 검체를 토대로 한검사로 메르스 바이러스 돌연변이가 없다는 결론이 났다. 2번환자 또한 완치된걸로 알고 있다. 그렇담 어떤일이 일어난것일까? 왜 알려진바와 다르게 전염력이 이리 강한가? 내가 가지는 메르스 사태의 궁금증이다.
우리가 메르스의 전염력에대해 잘 이해하지 못하고 있었던것일까? 아님 환자들 사이의 전염 과정에서 메르스 바이러스의 돌연변이가 일어난건 아닐까?(돌연변의의 가능성은 항상 존재한다. 숙주(환자)를 옮겨다니는 과정에서 가능한 일이다) 대한민국의 메르스 사태 정말 심상찮다. 모든게 잘되겠지라고 하고 있기엔 정말 심상찮다. 아무쪼록 이번주안에 소강 상태에 들었으면 더할나위 없겠다.